
How was this year for you?

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will talk about "How was this year for you?" today.

How was this year for you?

I had a big change this year.

It was a very good change.

Her who was the best having had it.

I became very happy.

I pray for your happiness,

Good year!

The photograph which I took in Kyoto trip

See you!

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Her name is Irina Nadiejida.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "Her name is Irina Nadiejida." today.

A Russian Blue kitten came over to my home.

Her name is Irina Nadiejida.

There is a meaning of the "Peace" "Hope" in Russian.

Irina Nadiejida

However, this kitten is not genuine.

Because my apartment was animal prohibition, I bought a stuffed toy.

But does this kitten not look like a real?

Watch this shop if interested.


See you!

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Let's lead in "Google+" with me! ⇒ http://gplus.to/YuukiHamasaki