
If it makes you anxious or defensive, approach and learn.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about " If it makes you anxious or defensive, approach and learn." today.

Joshua Margolis professor in charge of the class of "Organizational behavior and Leadership" in the Harvard Business School(HBS).

I will introduce what sounded to mind in the very teachings of the professor.

1. Serve others before yourself.

It is that it will extend its ability to find a capability can assist most for others and self-realization of the ultimate.

What leadership exerted for the happiness of someone brought closer to happiness itself.

2. If it makes you anxious or defensive, approach and learn.

It opportunities for growth when it becomes likely to excuse in order to protect yourself and feel the anxiety.

It is rather depressing instead of run away.

Process of learning do so with the awkward pain and failure.

3. Get your “Walk-away money” together fast.

That to secure the early financial freedom minimal as to be quit his job at any time when I've fallen into a situation that is strong that this would defeat the ethics and values ​​of their own.

HBS to the School of Management at Harvard University

Teaching of these three professors of world-class is telling.

There is no doubt that it is a useful Eh lessons in order to improve the life.

We want to continue to try to be able to practice in daily life.

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Let's start training facial muscles.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "Let's start training facial muscles." today.

There is one that is said to be has changed visibly after I entrepreneurial and left the office workers to the end of March 2011.

It's a look.

People say I look has changed obviously.

Became a handsome, self-confidence is attached to the face, It is popular in general.

Look is what way of life and personality appears.

Way of life that challenges as an entrepreneur, and has been our best pitching to work without having to set up ask anyone, look also will vary.

I'm similar to Moriyama Mirai.

Just look that has changed as much as it is not the reason.

There is another reason that caused the change the look big.

That's what it came to the muscles of facial expression training.

Life change drastically when train the muscles of facial expression!

I saw in entrepreneurship by chance just before the article titled.

I have come to the muscles of facial expression training every day since then.

Eyes narrow to me.

There be misunderstanding So angry.

But look good naturally now can do from beginning to forge the facial muscles.

Relationship is getting better with people you meet in every scene look good tempered facial expression muscles and will be able to naturally.

I was adopted from the website of the following muscles of facial expression training that I have been doing.


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Many of the success stories have been dramatized.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "Many of the success stories have been dramatized." today.

You can do anything if there is a resolution.

Able to jump from the second floor if there is prepared to jump off the 10th floor Nantes cinch.

It takes only a minor injury, even after injury.

A lot of people prepared to serious injury because not enough.

It is not afraid of anything if there is a resolution of this much!

Say such as failure such as success It's all hindsight.

I do not know if you do not try. Success story of many of which are dramatized.

Be prepared to catch the it in anticipation that difficult thing adverse be dangerous and prepared.

I have prepared to jump off the 10th floor all the time.

So withstand thing most likely to I can try anything.

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Time and effort are valuable resources as much as diamond.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "Time and effort are valuable resources as much as diamond." today.

I was told "Want you to become more gently." recently.

I was in fourth year in entrepreneurship.

There is awareness that private was also in a businesslike way is not limited to work in comparison with the time it was certainly salaryman.

We believe that valuable resources as much as diamond time and effort of their own, is because selection was clear on what work and also private or devote the time and effort.

Although supported carefully with all your heart to things you have determined to be "taken",

Because I do not go and also not to respond for miscellaneous things you have determined to be "disposable", it's a state through almost. I am sorry.

Yet it If you think it's a selfish man, scolding evil rather than the lives of others, because I want to live my life, the life of one-time to me.

That efficient though simplistic and businesslike.

But, yes, even yourself Looking back in the past, but do not too difficult for me just kind of guy?

Thing is was written in NAVER Summary ↓

I can not trust most in this world is kindness of man.

Feeling is definitely cool If I had the same thing to other women as me kind to yourself.

I do not want to approach basically because it is likely to be confusing or are jealous or to other girls to have romantic feelings inadvertently friendly man to everyone.

The hate is likely he did "I'm not mean it You mean." If you fall in love really is here.

I feel like I do not want to confront serious and one person to me people friendly to everyone. A man that does not run away from confrontation with me is good.

Quoted source:http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2135415254640371101

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