Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "Time and effort are valuable resources as much as diamond." today.
I was told "Want you to become more gently." recently.
I was in fourth year in entrepreneurship.
There is awareness that private was also in a businesslike way is not limited to work in comparison with the time it was certainly salaryman.
We believe that valuable resources as much as diamond time and effort of their own, is because selection was clear on what work and also private or devote the time and effort.
Although supported carefully with all your heart to things you have determined to be "taken",
Because I do not go and also not to respond for miscellaneous things you have determined to be "disposable", it's a state through almost. I am sorry.
Yet it If you think it's a selfish man, scolding evil rather than the lives of others, because I want to live my life, the life of one-time to me.

But, yes, even yourself Looking back in the past, but do not too difficult for me just kind of guy?
Thing is was written in NAVER Summary ↓
I can not trust most in this world is kindness of man.
Feeling is definitely cool If I had the same thing to other women as me kind to yourself.
I do not want to approach basically because it is likely to be confusing or are jealous or to other girls to have romantic feelings inadvertently friendly man to everyone.
The hate is likely he did "I'm not mean it You mean." If you fall in love really is here.
I feel like I do not want to confront serious and one person to me people friendly to everyone. A man that does not run away from confrontation with me is good.
Quoted source:http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2135415254640371101
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