Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "4 patterns of people who are harmed in the first impression." today.
Anyone have the first impression is always in meeting people.
The first impression is important enough to affect the relationships then.
There is a pattern of four people who are harmed in the first impression.
▼ 4 patterns of people who are harmed in the first impression.
1. Expression is bad.
2. Don't know the etiquette.
3. Standing behavior has not been turned.
4. Voice does not match the TPO.

That one? This person feel bad.
First impression of you are finished without noticing.
First impression is very important.
That they do not change most later in life is determined by the 3-5 seconds first impression.
In addition it is evil impression visual image is poor wording, even if no matter how good.
It washed away the image "Gentle wording but iceberg" negative.
Be careful the first impression!.
Let 's stay together with a smile at all times to do so.
Relationships of life in the future with the other because it just depends.
Don't forget your smile!
See you!
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