
The times when a leader is more necessary than a manager.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "The times when a leader is more necessary than a manager." today.

The society of the 21st century assumes a network a unit not an organization.

Ms. Jim Collins who is a scholar of global management tells.

Mutual connectibility has already become the keyword in today's world.

It's clear if watch the expansion of the Internet and the social media.

It's important that manage it if it's an organization.

However, that lead is important if it's a network.

The reason is because management is not possible without any authority for another person in the network. It's different from the organization.

Change from the organization to the times of the network.

The conventional society assumed an organization a unit.

However, in society in the future, a network becomes the unit.

Then the existence of the manager of the organization becomes unnecessary.

It's not a manager from now on to be necessary in the times. It's a leader.

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START NOW! The age does not matter to challenge.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "START NOW! The age does not matter to challenge." today.

I advise "start now!" to all consultants.

What do you want to do in the life?

Please think seriously right now, and carry it out.

I hate to be sorry.

It is not only me.

Nobody will want to be sorry.

I want all people to spend the life without the regret.

I say "start now" with all the wish.

by Professor Robert Stephen Kaplan

Professor Robert Stephen Kaplan specialized in the management.

When a person dies, be sorry.

It is not to have failed.

It is what it did not challenge.

The age does not matter to challenge.

Begin even 30's start now!

Begin even 40's start now!

Begin even 50's start now!

Begin even 60's start now!

Begin even 70's start now!

This moment is the youngest now in the life.

See you!

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The company which a German respects is a middle scale.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "The company which a German respects is a middle scale." today.

Germany won the championship at a 2014 FIFA World Cup.

It was the splendid team which continued showing a strong fight.

Germany are 2014 FIFA World Cup Champions!

The company which such a German respects is a middle scale.

Many Germans consider a big company to be a necessary evil.

And the president of the big company seems suspicious because power is strongly and has too much money.

The German believes that the company of the middle scale is a true engine of the German economy and respects it.

The reason is because it thinks that the company of the middle scale can support economy and innovation and the employment.

And a wage is almost unaffected in Germany by a company scale.

A difference of the corporate scale just influences the difference of the wage in Japan.

However there is not such a thing in Germany.

It is good to be small!

I wish the Japanese society which can say so.

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Think different! Success probability rises if different from others.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "Think different! Success probability rises if different from others." today.

Success probability rises if different from others.

The legendary copywriter Joseph sugar man which let the much CEO succeed said.

"Success probability rises if different from normal approach. Do not always forget this."

With a catch copy of the promotion of Apple that aggregate market value became the number one in the world,

"Think different."

Why does success probability rise when different?

I think that there are three factors.



3.Obey own intention.


You must think that you are different from the others by yourself. It sweat in a brain.


Courage is necessary to be different from others. The courage is the most necessary financial resources.

▼3.Obey own intention.

Following yourself without following another person. Power becomes splendid if you do so it.

I thinks that there are these three meanings to be different from others.

Therefore success probability rises.

1997. An advertisement campaign slogan of Apple

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