Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "Think different! Success probability rises if different from others." today.
Success probability rises if different from others.
The legendary copywriter Joseph sugar man which let the much CEO succeed said.
"Success probability rises if different from normal approach. Do not always forget this."
With a catch copy of the promotion of Apple that aggregate market value became the number one in the world,
"Think different."
Why does success probability rise when different?
I think that there are three factors.
3.Obey own intention.
You must think that you are different from the others by yourself. It sweat in a brain.
Courage is necessary to be different from others. The courage is the most necessary financial resources.
▼3.Obey own intention.
Following yourself without following another person. Power becomes splendid if you do so it.
I thinks that there are these three meanings to be different from others.
Therefore success probability rises.

See you!
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