Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "Japan is convenient, but there is not a feeling of freedom." today.
By a drinking session in the work, I was adjacent with a person from Malaysia last week.
He went to the Japanese university to study.
And he graduated and found a job in the Japanese company.
He has the wife of the Japanese woman now.
There is a question to do when there is the opportunity when I talk with a foreigner living in Japan.
It is "Please teach Japanese good things and the bad things that you feel one by one.".
It is his answer.
・Japanese good things ⇒ Convenient
・Japanese bad things ⇒ Not a feeling of freedom

Do you want to stay in Japan to him as it is? I heard it.
His answer was "I want to return to Malaysia.".
It will be that a feeling of freedom is better than the convenience.
Japan is convenient, but it is suppressed society.
Malaysia is inconvenient, but there is a feeling of freedom.
I think that it is not the thing which it can divide simply in this way, but may generally prove right?
Which society do you think good?
See you!
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