Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Career Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Today, I will introduce back issues of 112 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.
"only once life"_(That a lot of people are misunderstanding) courage to quit
Today, I will tell about the "courage to quit".
The time is given to human, are equally 24 hours a day everyone.
One of those things that you already know the answer.
24 hours a day, my time is also 24 hours a day for your time.
So why, everyone's life differ?
Use of time is because it different.
Of course, there will be the environment and was born and raised, the difference of the capacity that we have developed.
But in essence, use of time is because different.
One of the major reasons why I wanted to entrepreneurship, which can be referred to as "I wanted to be free".
In either What about "free"?
It, I personally think it would be used only for their own 100%, 24 hours a day.
How do I use, 24 hours a day? You can allocate your own as you like ...
This right is incredible already. It is the one that is hard to place in everything else.
If you are shown the "time freedom", and there like "economic freedom" in the other this, but let us have much money, but it does not make sense if you do not have your own time.
(I have thought so.)
So, what you even do I to have "free time" in the same way as me?
It is not to start something new, it is to stop what you are doing now.
I have misunderstood you for a lot of people, be free, and must start something new, but it's different.
In order to be free, You need to stop what you are doing you.
Again, the time that is given to human beings, are equally 24 hours a day everyone.
In such a finite time, and to try to do new things in addition to what you are doing is there is impossible.
You need to stop what you are doing now.
And, by the time it was possible by stopped, You start something new.
Only big that time is large, life is also coming change.
I have, my life has changed with entrepreneurship! Changed! We are speaking of, the use of time has changed! It is synonymous with what is said.
So if you want to separate, if you want to entrepreneurship, it's become the most necessary is "courage to stop" what you are doing now.
The more, life will vary greatly the target is the one that has a great meaning for your now.
If you stop and office workers like me, life will be completely changed.
But, a lot of people I do not have it.
It is because human beings are trying to "maintain the status quo" at the instinct level.
This of the "status quo" is something really nasty.
Now so long, I tell you about in an e-mail magazine of tomorrow continued.

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See you tomorrow!
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