Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Career Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Today, I will introduce back issues of 120 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.
"only once life"_Those obtained by entrepreneurship is priceless.
Since there was an excellent article about the very thing that you want to "entrepreneurship" Today, I will introduce!
I will find an example of what I feel is exactly, that I want to say.
▼ Upside is large entrepreneurs, down side is small.
I think the downside is small, large side up more than it is generally believed that the entrepreneurs.
The best entrepreneur and first is that it can do as their favorite anyway.
No recruitment examination in entrepreneurship, and not even the boss.
To be able to your own decision of all, there is a tremendous spiritual freedom.
And, with it that it is good for about the same, so no choice but opposed with all functions and aspects of what the development of products and services, sales, and accounting and tax, that company, understanding of management and business would be deepened.
When you entrepreneurship, income may increase hopefully, but may be reduced to reverse.
I think painful case is often among the first in particular.
However, the benefits of the up side of the real thing to be entrepreneurial, "gain strength" thing and that the understanding of management and business deepens.
Money-income also is important of course, but worth "gain strength" of that is immeasurable.
I think that knowledge and experience obtained by entrepreneurs, is worth to get to lose the income of some.
When entrepreneurs, you will not be able to blame others for failure.
All the blame yourself.
That you take the job, and the work performed, and that get the money from the audience or How hard, you will be able to understand.
When I was working for a company, I was wondering much his salary and cheap.
But it is from the entrepreneur, and that pay the salary on an ongoing basis to employees to understand how things How hard.
I began to think of his salary once even had blessed it, or it was a fair enough.
When entrepreneurs, it can be understood that a variety of confusing in a position of employees.
You can not buy with money, these knowledge, experience and enlightenment is something just a "priceless".
Even if supposed to return to the office worker unsuccessfully to entrepreneurship, knowledge and experience gained by the entrepreneur remains.
This is big.
Even failed entrepreneurs, people that there is entrepreneurial experience If I were recruiters will be a big plus rating.
Be entrepreneurs first is proof of being a challenger has guts.
In addition, because should know the whole picture of what that company through the management and entrepreneurship.
Not hard to find people that understand and complete picture of the management company or Challenger with the guts.
I think it would be a positive evaluation adopted position even if whatever and no matter what the business of the company.
There is upside infinite if successful entrepreneurship.
It seems like there is almost no down side Now that you be a factor of plus evaluation valuable knowledge and experience can be obtained when you fail to entrepreneurship.
So I think it's not entrepreneurship is a waste really.
(Citing articles: http://mojix.org/2008/06/24/upside_of_kigyo)

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