Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Career Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "Young people in Japan now, are paying the debt of adults who live in an age of abundance." today.
Children grow to see the adult.
Experience of childhood can have an impact on the life-view of life of the people.
Among the harsh environment, without complaining, dissatisfaction, if brought up at the sight alive Good luck to hard voluntarily, adults, will go got there adults and children.
However, if brought up at the sight of adults in an environment filled rich, says just bitches doing work somehow reactively, children will be such adult.
I think adults who went led to rich Japan, the Japan after the war, became a burnt ruins are fine, really.
However, adults of Japan after become rich, Will was the matter?
Is it had been serious about the next generation?
To receive commonplace its richness, do you have been working hard for the future hard?

Young people in Japan now, are paying the debt of adults who live in an age of abundance.
To young people in Japan who had been left only problem, what can the outlook bright future?
I do not believe basically, the adults of Japan had the country of 1000 trillion yen debt.
that such people say, because I do not think so right.
Because I think that do not have no ears to hear, I hear talk also of adults, but you put in the end degree it.
Then, my future, and Kangaenuki yourself, go make your own.
If you do not such a posture, a fun bright happy future will not be long coming.
And, I believe that to live in such a posture, and will lead to the prosperity of the next generation.
Children, because I grow up to see the adult.
See you tomorrow!
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