Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Career Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Today, I will introduce back issues of 114 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.
"only once life"_BE → DO → HAVE
Today, I will tell about the "BE → DO → HAVE".
This is what Robert Kiyosaki is listed in the "Cash Flow Quadrant Rich Dad" book.
▼ BE → DO → HAVE
Get success to (HAVE) because, first, what is his or (BE) is important (DO) rather than doing something.
For example, I will talk about diet.
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I want to obtain a slim body (HAVE).
On a diet a variety of ways for the (DO).
Each method not continue, and not be a slim (NOT BE). .
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This means that you do not have to get to (HAVE) for, and to do something (DO) only thing.
The Rather, it will continue to diet to (DO) for, what is your first or (BE) is is important.
... I mean do you know?
I will explain in an easy-to-understand manner.
In the above example, it's not last and is now an such flow.
● On a diet of ways (DO)
● Get a slim body (HAVE)
● Become their new jiggy (BE)
What? Not a natural What is this? ?
You might think that.
Is not it so yeah, He keeps you can do with the bitch and ..., or dating or for marriage or joint party with excited from getting to the body slim with diet!
Therefore, is not it feel.
But it is this, as long as the diet does not work, I'm not familiar forever to their new jiggy.
To put it the other way around, even dabbled in many ways and from a diet yourself a no no, it is not followed by bad after all.
...Do you understand?
In, and party, is to sequence is as follows: what to do.
● Become their new jiggy (BE)
● On a diet of ways (DO)
● Get a slim body (HAVE)
It? You can hup? ?
You might think that.
But, this is the order of every success!
First change yourself and to (BE), and (DO), get It's a (HAVE).
After all, as long as you are not changed (DO) I can not get anything (BE), where what you have to (HAVE).
We have the example of the diet, but if you talk to become rich,
● A thing that seems earn (DO)
● Get the money (HAVE)
● Different from myself until now, become rich (BE)
It's useless in this order.
When it is this, become rich it is extremely difficult.
In, rattan and what to do,
● Become yourself become rich (BE)
● A thing that seems earn (DO)
● Get the money (HAVE)
It is that.
If your not change, where you have to try any way, after all, I can not get anything.
▼ BE → DO → HAVE
Before you wish to get something, to do something, let's be put in hand that something to "new me"!

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See you tomorrow!
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