Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Career Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Today, I will introduce back issues of 113 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.
"only once life"_The White break the status quo against the instinct!
I have to talk about "the courage to quit" in an e-mail magazine yesterday.
However, because human beings are trying to "maintain the status quo" at the instinct level, that you stop what you are doing is difficult.
In order to sustain life, or with a constant body temperature and respiration, and move regularly the heart, man is working within the limits stipulated instinctively our bodily functions.
This instinct is, so also act when you try to change the habit of maintaining = status quo, If you try to wake the new change, the power to reject it is work.
Instinct is a story of the unconscious level, that you realize is extremely difficult.
But what should you do to break the status quo against the this instinct?
There are two ways to do it.
▼ The first
It is to the intense experience of about instinct turn over.
When you experience the instinct is shaken, you can make a difference, to the unconscious level.
As a matter of what you do specifically, please come to meet me.
There is to me the confidence that can talk to stimulate your instincts.
(like rant and rave, such as the menacing, Is not it like that.)
By any chance, so After it was no good, I give take you to a place of amazing more people.
▼ The second
It is to start small, and continues at least 90 days.
Is it a 90 days why?
This is because there is a thing called "the law of 90 days".
▽ ▽ ▽
The human body is made of cells.
You have repeatedly gone daily cells, are born in the body, and disappear in your life.
The cycle 90 days.
10 days, after doing one thing, one-ninth of the body will experience at the cellular level.
45 days, if you continue to one thing, half of the body experience at the cellular level.
90 days, when you cut to do one thing, it is that all cells have experienced.
△ △ △
"Thinking" → "habit" → to go by changing "unconscious (instinct)," and you need to experience at the cellular level.
How to break the status quo first is against the instinct at once.
It is a way to break the status quo second alters the instinct gradually.
I showed you how.
Is up to you do not do it or do the rest.
To change it if it does, does not change to be done, that's it.

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See you tomorrow!
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