Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "Changes in the way of working of Japan to consider the fact that prospective rate of college women were higher than men's." today.
Era is changing to the way of working of the service industry from the way of working in the manufacturing industry.
There were two features way of working in the manufacturing sector of the high economic growth period.
The company has a big decision to "Place to work" and "Time to work" and "What works".
Provide stable employment, as referred to as "Lifetime employment" instead of the company has a strong power overwhelmingly.
Is it where you said absolute obedience and corporate warrior instruction such company to transfer without all that you do something when you are ordered to be transferred.
It have been or are referred to as "Company slave" in the now.
But the number of jobs in the manufacturing sector such has decreased era that had been mass produced in a large factory has come to an end.

"Prospective rate of college girls exceeded the boys."
News that is now a hot topic in the early spring, but you know?
This is the very proof that the number of employment services is increasing.
Jobs in nursing field medical and adoption of many women is growing. Jobs in manufacturing adoption of many men has decreased. It is that.
IT business service sector is also speaking of food service industry then retail and It is also service industry.
What is common to the service industry of them it is that you have to "Support on a case-by-case basis" the perspective of the customer instead of just work according to the instructions of the company.
It is a workplace can utilize is required only by the woman and "Sensitivity" and "Attentive" exactly.
Era is changing to a society for women to play an active part of society male-dominated surely even look at one way of working.
It's the key to corporate prosperity and economic prosperity in the future and whether or not to focus much on the "Active promotion of women" now.
See you tomorrow!
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