Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "Willingness to work of women has risen. But women more than half of hard to work." today.
Active promotion of the woman is placed in the "core of the growth strategy" arrow third Abenomikusu.
The degree of participation to the economic and social field of Japanese women has been delayed compared to the developed countries of the world.
That's why it can be expected to produce a significant economic effect participation of women goes according to the economic and social sector of Japan performs the active promotion of women.
Willingness to work after marriage and childbirth after the women has risen According to the survey results on "ways of working women" that Mynavi which operates comprehensive information site for women working on "My Navi Woman" was announced.
Answer "I want to continue to work after marriage" increased for the third year in a row higher than 1.6 percentage points year-on-year study at 76.7% When asked whether you want to continue working after marriage and childbirth after 466 people and women unmarried work of 20-29 years are.

However voice wishing to create an environment for women to easy to work from current situation, such as there are no female managers and female boss that they want to target and appears.
"There are few female managers" (47.1%) was the highest number as the factor has a "Do not think of the company now is easy work for women" is 51.5% of the respondents.
The 56.6% have answered "There is no boss, senior women that seems to want to (target) model future for a company of now."
Nurturing women officers women and many managers even one person in order not to dampen the enthusiasm of working women pursued a strategy of government it is very important for Japanese society.
It does not mean women would become easier to work with it to say just because the officer was appointed managers and women necessarily "Enemy of the woman is a woman" and so on.
It's really important it will be that it will make it take the lead in an environment in which "Man is a solid understanding" woman is likely to play an active part the physiological characteristics of women.
(Was a male-dominated society) that efforts would be tedious Japan until now because it was not a society like that.
Their efforts will be rewarded sooner or later but the world is because it moved to the active promotion of women.
Key to the rebirth of the Japanese economy in the future is hanging heavily on active promotion of women.
See you tomorrow!
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