Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Career Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "Culture of seven is indispensable to global leader." today.
World are borderless by the evolution of technology.
What is not expected is lifetime employment and seniority in working in Japan It will be known everyone.
And we must fight against the world market, the coming age not only that.
It is essential to leadership To be successful in business.
But we need to be "global leader" is the coming age is not a leader introverted that works only in Japan as well.

BCG representative making the current management and human resource development at Harvard University Master of Business Administration has taken up the "Culture of seven which is indispensable to the global leader in modern times".
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(1) English.
(2) Information selection and information and network technology.
(3) Value creation model economy, financial and capital markets, and management.
(4) Risk management and science of complex systems.
(5) Cross-cultural management and global politics.
(6) Sustainability and population theory.
(7) Area of God: astronomy, physics, life sciences.
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Thinking deeply the social meaning to understand the outline of the progress of each region as there have a major impact on society only, not as experts seems to be asked the leader of modern times.
We want to continue to wear the culture of the seven in order to become a leader in world-class.
There might be a need for people of all liberal arts of the seven in order to survive in the world that globalization is not limited to the leader.
See you tomorrow!
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