Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Career Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Today, I will introduce back issues of 123 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.
"only once life"_Entrepreneurship. Now or never if you have 20's
I will introduce "Entrepreneurship. Now or never if you have 20's" and was published in Forbes.com on November 30, 2012 today.
▼Entrepreneurship. Now or never if you have 20's.
Management professional investors and most look to the company home to management team "experienced" to say the venture to succeed.
It is a translation seek the personnel of "excellent track record" in the profit and loss management and business plan development and product development organization.
It would also be the most.
Anything being said as there is also a word to "Get used to learn than.", you can learn to be a variety that lead to growth and improvement through experience in life.
There will also be hitting a "home run", "double", "triple" in some cases only if Takuse the game to batter a wealth of experience, but give off in entrepreneurship a "grand slam home run" is 20's inexperienced young and not infrequently is.
It would be hard to believe in suddenly.
Such a thing is not written in the textbooks of management and venture investors not say.
It is not a story, such as listening in class of MBA (Master of Business Administration) course.
There is a counterargument I know.
Some people may think the concept is biased because it is my own party was the entrepreneurial small business loans service "Rendio" in the 20s.
But I want you to look at the data the next.
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[Entrepreneurs and outstanding major modern age of founding.]
1. Google founder:
Sergey Brin (25)
Larry Page (25)
2. Apple founder:
Steve Jobs (21)
Steve Wozniak (26)
3. Microsoft founder:
Bill Gates (20)
Paul Allen (22)
4. Facebook founder:
Mark Zuckerberg (20)
5. Wal-Mart founder:
Sam Walton (26)
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Do you would have read the pattern is from these facts.
Companies line up to here is the most successful companies in the last few decades but the founder can be seen that it was the young people of up to 26 years from 20 years old either.
▼ There is nothing to lose in their 20s.
One of the main reasons that they can produce a company with excellent younger entrepreneurs incredible thing there is nothing to lose to them.
Are accustomed to life sipping instant noodles to live in cheap student dormitory Many of these entrepreneurs.
They do not also have lifestyle they want to be particular absolutely normal mortgage and auto loans also does not suffer from the age of about this.
A lot to lose if it fails the people who entrepreneurs from taking the year a little more gain experience compared to it.
They are accustomed to receiving high compensation from the employer.
They may have bought with the loan (luxury car in some cases) a decent private car poised home in an exclusive residential area.
Harsh reality that they lose their life cozy, which has been built up struggling for many years spouse They ask husband or wife and raise up a new company will crosses their head.
Conservative stance prudence and risk hedging come sneak in the business plan of entrepreneurs experienced soon as they thought how much lose a lot.
▼ 20s can be a full swing of the home run aim.
Young entrepreneur there is nothing to lose can be challenging to resolve the consciousness entirely different.
There is no need to hedge because there is almost no risk of losing something.
There to the brain it's just motivation to want to solve in a superior manner as much as possible the problems you find.
There is also a physical fitness to be able to tolerate all night every day of the young entrepreneur Fortunately.
Bill Gates has said, "Did not rest even for a day when I was a 20's".
Young entrepreneur with no experience of working in the company as the last element can view the fresh things have not been poisoned by the idea of "there should be this way" as the Board of Directors of many companies.
As a result, the solutions they produce 's breakthrough in new and innovative.
You should challenge all means if you're a 20's. There is no time to appropriate more than now in life is to fulfill the dream of entrepreneurship.
You shake the bat with all one's might to have the ambition attempts to put name to the success of the above list.
And even if it fails, it will be one of experience to learn the most in life.
by Block Break
(Block Blake)
Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. Rendio responsible for small and medium-sized business loans business (CEO)
I have worked on matching borrowers and small businesses with more than 100 000 companies a year in the United States.
Itself has raised more than $ 10 million as an entrepreneur.
* Quoted source: http://goo.gl/hEdJ6m

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