Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Today, I will introduce back issues of 133 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.
"only once life"_The world's "positive degree" in Japan 59.
There was this article I watched the Google News this morning.
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▼ The world's "positive degree" Japan 59 largest U.S. study, Latin America Top
That the eight countries in Latin America has entered the top 10 countries where the U.S. research firm Gallup found out national of the world "positive degree" was revealed by the 20th December.
Japan was in 59.
The company asked five "Did you rest well," "there was a funny thing," the day before and "or laughed a lot" face-to-face or telephone to one thousand people in 148 countries.
I have calculated the average of the ratio of respondents who answered "yes" to each.
Venezuela and El Salvador was followed by 83% and Paraguay Panama becomes the same rate and 85% lead.
Latin American countries accounted for 10 best except that the Philippines was in seventh place tie to fifth place.
December 21, Rio de Janeiro [joint] 2012
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Average annual income of people in Latin America seems to one-hundredth or one-tenth of the Japanese.
But seems there are few suicide.
Is it not of it can be seen that "money is not directly linked to happiness" and from this fact?
Happiness is something that his heart make not intended to make money!
I thought strong throughout the year and this year.
To work for the happiness instead of working for money.
To live in order to be happy or rather.
From getting to aspire to such a way of life,
"You're positive!"
I came to be said from a friend.
I think so ". That it was possible I also really change" in this.
Because I is because it was human retrospective.
Ever tackle forward in any event in order to make money!
Results as I think on it good luck to reckless and much break in the body of thinking like is not out,
"While shit I'm useless why damn!"
It was a man who I think to like.
But to live in order to be happy so you Hatarako to be happy! I becomes increasingly positive with nature rather than take a positive attitude by force from decided with.
Because the more positive'll be happy any way you slice it!
And I said happy from what his heart is made rather than to make money, but that the positive only I will not come up and you have a positive way of life right on the money.
That's a problem of the heart is not a problem with the money I do not know you either happy or unhappy now, but would it be to unhappy if.

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