Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Career Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Today, I will introduce back issues of 124 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.
"only once life"_It does not matter as to whether you want to achieve the goal.
Today I tell you about about the reviews really matter fact as to whether you want to achieve the goal.
What? ! You'll think so.
By "not matter" may be a little too much to say, but please listen because it may be important far than to achieve the goal.
▼ Real meaning of goal
Real meaning of having a goal is not the thing to achieve it.
Is a marginal is how you get what you want.
The greatest significance of having a goal is to be grown themselves to humans, such as to achieve the target.
Do you think what that there is the greatest value of becoming a millionaire?
Is it that you have 100 million yen?
In fact this is not the case.
Is to get the qualities such as knowledge, skills, leadership needed to get there real value.
These are obtained from the experience that will continue to work tirelessly while trial and error towards the goal.
The draw 100 million yen It is a force inherent in you to produce the power of will and courage, sense of responsibility, enough.
It will lose as soon as people who do not have the quality is all right to hand the 100 million yen.
But It built a new property as soon as also seized the property from billionaire real.
Because they can repeat it as many times and experience the knowledge and skills gained Who won the 100 million yen it themselves.
You'll notice the other does not have much meaning property itself even if someone becomes a millionaire.
It is really important is whether grown in what kind of human.
Please to focus on growing their own you too if you wanted to be a millionaire.
Please to focus on growing your own If you want to send a life better than it is now, if not in the billionaire!

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See you tomorrow!
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