Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Today, I will introduce back issues of 132 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.
"only once life"_Please stop persuasion is useless.
I tell about the useless reviews to convince others this time.
Have you ever persuaded someone you ever?
Such as customers or co-workers and friends and family.
I grew up like crazy is to convince parents is a teacher of the school.
It was a character that would persuade forcibly catapult when disagreement with others occurs in the deed.
I was earnestly to persuade the audience to buy up book "art of persuasion" is when you have a business of foreign insurance seven years ago.
There was the time to go work temporarily by so to persuade, but the state did not last long at all times.
Relationship with friends worse, and I have down immediately sales were to rise in temporary work.
"How to convince my fault?"
I thought so. And I struggle to try to raise a further convincing. But it did not last long, even going well in temporary after all.
I realized that to convince others from those experiences as a waste.
It does not last long, even going well temporarily.
So do you work How do I others? I thought rather than persuasion it's "sympathy".
People will move when you sympathy rather than when was persuaded.
Charismatic lecturer super popular consultant training course "Fukushima Masanobu" teacher said.↓
People look for the shortcomings of the other party when it is likely to be persuaded.
Find people turn their own when you have empathy.
Will had been to find a drawback of me how much time you persuade others to me...
But I was looking for a decision of the other party in order to refute carelessly when their even was persuaded by others if you think about it well...
Persuasion is useless.
Those who also how to be simply exhausted.
It is to get the sympathy rather than persuasion to move the people.

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See you tomorrow!
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