Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "9/24 (Tue) 19:00 to 21:00 The course social marketing! "Life-changing" for women!" today.
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"I am a life-changing " for women
Social marketing course.
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Age now that anyone can become information callers with the advent of Twitter and Facebook.
This is the era easy to make your own way to your life.
But I do not know what to do first thing on the other hand.
I do not work either try it on my own.
Such a voice too many I hear.
We hold workshops and seminars to strengthen the use of social media where they pull out the possibility of their own strengths and women of limited "You want to create a life of your own way! ".
It is a seminar of enhancement , including the contents of the psychology and marketing and basic examples of well-known companies such as Toyota Disney Starbucks.

▼Conference time :
September 6, 2013 (Friday ) 7:00 p.m. to 21:00 (Reception 18:45 ~)
Seminar room in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
( I will report separately information about the location to participants )
▼Who Should Attend :
Woman only you want to take advantage of the social media.
▼Seminar Summary:
1. Necessity and possibility of marketing utilizing the sensitivity of women.
3. The so different by women and men ! Features of purchasing psychology and behavioral psychology.
3. Concept of customer's perspective of eight to learn to Drucker.
4. Secret of greeting Starbucks closer together with customers.
5. Priority of Disney to produce the smile of our customers.
6. Representation and how to find the (USP) their strengths.
7. Self-introduction representation in social media to get a lot of looks unintentionally.
15 Limited. (And the deadline as soon as it becomes ※ capacity)
▼Tuition :
5,000 yen
▼Registration details from here
See you tomorrow!
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