Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Today, I will introduce back issues of 142 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.
"only once life"_5 measures and risk of SNS
I tell about the 5 measures and risk of SNS.
Social network services such as Facebook has become an essential tool for those who want to do business on their own.
Should be effective use because we can own personal media easily.
There is also a place where it is carried out in Facebook message the exchange of information within the company.
Now that the friend request in Facebook to exchange the e-mail address and a stranger you were a long time ago but many.
But crime using the original detective said SNS is likely to go on increasing definitely now.
SNS is a tool so very dangerous when viewed from the perspective of crime.
"It do not know where or who is watching."
It seems to be fear of the Internet society is this.
(There is also a useful marketing tool surface as why.)
The best measure is the "thing. Do not do that".
But "Do not do SNS" that It is difficult even though it has already been effectively used in the business.
So I tell you about the 5 measures in order to protect themselves from the risk of SNS.
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1. Be exposed to their own.
That photos of family and children does not emit particular, it does not emit face even out.
2. GPS functions that you keep off as much as possible.
3. It does not emit as much as possible information that can identify a base for life "home " .
(Example) Festival informationneighborhood , shopping mall , park , or place name
4. Friend request of people do not know is that you do not allow easily.
5. Do not divulge personal information of a friend rather than your own.
(Be careful to information especially for women )
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Let's take firm measures to recognize the risk of SNS.
Let's make use of the private business and the only good side SNS.

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See you tomorrow!
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