Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "Many people do not even anticipation of three months ahead be trapped and issues immediate profit." today.
It will be three months remaining this year September ends today.
How three months remaining Spend?
It is not a story that.
I will talk to that let's anticipation of the 300 years later, not the story or something if trying to three months.
I think most people would not also sees even three months ahead be trapped in benefits and problems of near-term.
But people who have done great things are eye to the future of distant destination.
Masayoshi Son of Softbank founder is likely to think about the distant future when there is a hesitation.
Consider it thoroughly the evolution of the figure , society and technology of mankind 300 years later far ahead gaining wisdom at home and abroad over a period of about one year.
It is the world of SF anymore.
And to think of the "30 years later " after imagined while trouble to imagine 300 years later , the world of commonplace enough to almost boring.
" The degree is a natural " he said.

March 17, 2006 , Softbank has acquired 1 trillion 750 billion yen Vodafone.
In fact, it seems to have acquired in order to be sold in Japan this iPhone.
January 9, 2007 Apple had announced the iPhone " Macworld Expo 2007 " .
( The launch in the United States on June 29 the same year. )
That is why had foreseen the future before the iPhone will be announced.
By the way, Masayoshi Son has proposed iPod mobile phone to visit the home of Steve Jobs in 2004.
( Jobs reply that it is already invented. )
It may not be very helpful scale is too different.
But the important thing is the process that determines the behavior of the now with an eye to the future far.
It will be three months remaining this year September ends today.
How three months remaining Spend?
I want to have to select the action now even if it forcibly 300 years later, think about three years later at the very least rather than think about the small things , such as.
Probability of long-term success will increase the more people who are thinking in the long term things.
See you tomorrow!
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