Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Today, I will introduce back issues of 145 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.
"only once life"_Story of 0%
Mr. Hitori Saito
Do you know him ?
It is who has developed a successful product diet foods such as "Slimdokan", founder of health food sales business of "Ginza Marukan".
It is a millionaire in Japan only person, that went for 10 consecutive years in the top 10 national ranking large taxpayers from 1993.
It is a strange name as "HItori".
It seems to have become " HItori " by and no one will be should eat by the post-war when born this more than most low man on the totem pole of nine brothers , that , please to the last man.
Education to Middle School !
He is a person you have not been to high school and university.
Mr. Hitori Saito has left the secret of the business of many.
One of the most favorite is I among such is the story of "0%".
And say what kind of story,
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Do not sell even one ( 0% )
Please trade in products that I fell in love anyway
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It is.
Miracle seems to happens when you're talking about a product fell in love so much.
100 people get me to talk to 100 people.
For example, The Man is going to come back with his friends one even have people who did not buy on the fly.
In other words, get me 200% !
However , while watching the complexion of the other party,
"This man I wonder if buy . Can you not buy."
Miracle is likely not occur if you are doing while you think so.
And Why? ...
You 'll do the tennis with me.
You unavoidable result is worrisome . So you look at the scoreboard always.
I see the ball.
So I can win !
It is no good to have to worry too much about the results.
It can sell the goods of the "I want to tell a lot of people" If this product.
It was a story of Mr. Hitori Saito's "0%".

Registration e-mail newsletters from here. ⇒ http://appoto.net/mailmagazine
See you tomorrow!
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