Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "Two things to be aware of in order to get over the day very sleepy from lack of sleep!" today.
I have work to get up early every day.
I aim to ensure a firm sleep time to sleep early so get up early.
"The most important thing in human terms it's sleep."
It is now bear in mind the extra bed early to know from something the word.
But there is often that the night is slow, such as work or social life.
But it does not stop just get up early night even at slow much.
Get up in the "fighting spirit" even when the sleep time is less than 3 hours.
But ...
The sleepy anyway.
Head has anguish during the day.
Work does not progresses in such a head.
I work with aware that two days sleepy such.
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1. Let's do the bare minimum today even better in the power of 60%.
And bring back things today Good luck tomorrow!
2. It is better not sleep at all.
I can without a problem if it was a simple business.
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So that you survive the day in positive sleepy being conscious that the two than to think negative willpower is not happening in the lack of sleep.
Productivity of work increases so that it is a positive emotion.
Please be aware of these two sleepy day.
See you tomorrow!
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