Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Today, I will introduce back issues of 148 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.
"only once life"_Tears came into my eyes when I read the book I borrowed from a friend ...
Last night, I was reading a book I borrowed from a friend.
And then tears came hot unintentionally.
That friend is activities cheerful always.
It is a popular person is feeling very good.
I also good friends.
But there was a place that I mind the "luck-pusher".
But when I read the book I borrowed,
Markers are just pulling a lot in the text,
think or feel,
I is written a lot of notes in order to self-improvement.
It is an effort where I can not see much for the friends are well feel cheerful always. ...
Tears came out involuntarily and visualize the scene.
Shadow is strong that much light is strong.
"Efforts shadow"
Do you do work for yourself how much it in a place not exposed to day?
I think that someone has to decide whether to shine when it comes to sunlight emergency.
If you not a life like you think if, That determine the quality of the later life you can do effort for themselves how much in such a case, Please remember.

Registration e-mail newsletters from here. ⇒ http://appoto.net/mailmagazine
See you tomorrow!
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