Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Today, I will introduce back issues of 144 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.
"only once life"_You doing salaryman Why?
I introduce the episode when I talk to meet with entrepreneurs of one person to office workers age that I wanted to corporate dropout.
It's said to the very beginning,
"You are doing salaryman Why?"
I did not answer because I did not have that thought.
And he was told to continue.
"Let's put resignation to company tomorrow if you want to entrepreneurship. And then you'll do my best to really."
It took eight months to issue a letter of resignation to the company and from listening to the words.
But he worked hard enough I can not believe in yourself from the determination to be "leaving the company".
"We're doing salaryman Why?"
Can you immediate answer to this question?
Answers the ideal I think of is as below.
・Because there is rewarding for fun.
・Because it will study towards what you want in the future.
And the useless answer I think of is this.
・For money.
・For peace of mind.
Why no good?
Freedom of your mind because deprived in exchange for money and peace of mind.
Human resources and low-cost high-performance has been flowing in from overseas to the Japanese labor market was recently isolation state wave of globalization has swept.
Possibility that the person who does not lay added value only "For peace of mind and money." go culled future is big.
It is more efficient to clarify the "Why are you doing" it for the profession that they are on now even if it is not office workers is good.
And the reason is whether the What on earth?
Your future has been projected there.

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See you tomorrow!
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