Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "Thought our power is reduced by the Internet..." today.
I may work the "brains" One of the reasons that I'm writing a blog every day.
・To think or write what article.
・Write a sentence to concentrate.
・To think or use what image the eye catch.
・The recast, to review thoroughly the text.
・Think what pattern the title eye-catching.
Sometimes think that writing a blog like this in various ways.
I have been making a habit of work the brain with the daily routine to think that.
Do you think why to have every day that troublesome that?
Because some ability of "brain" is because the degeneration what the impact of the Internet in contemporary society.
What is degenerate? Ability to think of something to concentrate deeply has fallen it.
・End up just just checking e-mail during a meeting.
・It would check the comments in the SNS while work.
・Have seen only smartphone even when they are near a friend.
Many of us has become a distraction in the Internet society of today, such as.
This is to make it not be able to think through one thing calmly.
・Power to read long sentences that context has also fallen because of the site together with easy-to-understand.
・Ability to continue to store something is also reduced in an environment that enters the hand soon as you search information.
Diminished ability to think with the change of the human brain that these are discussed as a pretty serious problem.
Nicholas Carr book that challenged head-on this particular theme is "The Shallows".
I recommend that you read if you do not want to be a fool.

See you tomorrow!
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