Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about ""The idea of a free-standing human resources" which think is in the beginning of their all." today.
It is a continuation of yesterday.
Fukushima Masanobu teacher who have a profound impact outlook on life, in view of my work.
"The idea of a free-standing human resources" and "The concept of human resource-dependent" it is written in his book gave me the influence decisively to me even in the words of such Fukushima teacher of "Mentoring management".
I introduced the "Concept of dependent human resources" to fail yesterday.
Here we will introduce "The idea of a free-standing human resources" to be successful today.
▼"The idea of a free-standing human resources"
●Plus reception
·Take it things objectively.
·Take it plugola of others, the action.
·Take a chance the problem.
·Do not expect the company and others.
·Act to think of yourself first and everything.
·Think to be in the beginning of their all.
·You understand the meaning and significance of a reminder that you always dream, you are acting now.
·Know how to motivate yourself.
·Dag not to be worried about.
·Will not run away from the problem and take head-on.
·And found the cause to yourself, anything to change my turn.
·Rather than to blame others for failures or problems and opportunities of self growth.
·Is not swayed by the evaluation of others to evaluate strictly themselves.
·We will try our best to aim higher level always.
·Strive precisely where others have not seen.

I think a person with a "Concept of dependent human resources" that does not succeed in the world is too much.
In order to increase the "Concept of free-standing human resources" to be successful, first and must be rough so myself, it's up to you believe strongly.
See you tomorrow!
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