Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Today, I will introduce back issues of 151 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.
"only once life"_Benefits of 7 Twitter
Do you doing to Twitter?
It is a social network service that can be shared with everyone by entering the post of 140 characters or less.
I began to long before the two-and-a-half years.
I was using in the play purpose of each other playfully with friends at first.
But I'm using for the purpose of collecting information useful for real-time list the Twitter and economists and politicians entrepreneurs from the entrepreneur.
And have more than 2,000 followers now starting to get the business from the second half of last year.
There was a request that wants looking for people that can support the work of the short-term from a friend last fall.
Someone to support one person immediately what was found where it was muttered on Twitter it.
I was really surprised at this.
And I felt greatly the possibility of Twitter.
I will share the benefit of 7 Twitter Fujimura , Masahiro 's marketing consultant was teaching.
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【Benefit of 7 Twitter】
1 : A place open.
2 : Can transmit information timely.
3 : Viral effect.
4 : Communication is simple.
5 : Be increased entrance of access related tools.
6 : Also effective to gather information.
7 : Free service.
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