Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "Features 14 amazing Japanese seen from foreign." today.
Famous Gregory Clark as polemic Japanese theory.
He is President Emeritus, University of Tama is a diplomat, scholar living in Japan.
Specialty is comparative literature and international economy and international politics.
I announce often the opinions of its own in the opinion column of the Japan Times.
That topic come with a wide variety to international relations from comparative culture and university theory.

We introduce such Gregory Clark did therefore said "Features 14 amazing Japanese seen from foreigners".
▼Features 14 amazing Japanese seen from foreign
1. Intense herd consciousness. There is a habit that faithfully follow the instruction. While easy-to-manage, to a very evil forces and holds the power. Foreign invasion of World War II A typical example of this.
2. Personal relationships and personal integrity marvelously. Vegetable sales offices unattended there. There is no need to panic even if the loss comb thing in Japan. If the person who picked up is me delivered to the nearest police station is the most.
3. Perfectionist. I defend properly order. If you see a group of keeping up with side by side in silence to guide wave a flag in the tourist destination, it's absolutely Japanese. Cleanliness of the toilet peerless. Automatic "higher" flush toilet is equipped with all the good hotels.
4. Like manual labor.
5. It is excellent in team work, like the family formula management.
6. It is open to things foreign, but exclusive to people of foreign.
7. Ideology is weak. It is noticeable especially in political. Two major political parties of the Democratic Party and the Liberal Democratic Party does not change so much consul philosophy.
8. Emotional, belligerent. As that expand in the Chinese war of aggression, get out of control will not stick, it had produced the scourge of Nanjing massacre in the end.
9. Lack of strategic thinking diplomacy, in economic policy. There is no principle of diplomacy Japan, opportunistic typical. It is a major cause of economic policy shortsighted fell into the "lost decade".
10. Lack of rationalism. System of compulsory education is solid, but college education is quite mediocre. Therefore, knowledge people with independent thinking truly is less.
11. Power of the central government is weak and factional fighting stand out.
12. Root of moral ethics is the importance of "shame". Is not the emphasis on "sin".
13 . Do not like the law. That prefer that rather than resort to trial and be resolved in discussion privately.
14. Like a peculiarity, Dislike the universality. China and Japan have experienced a feudal society, but while there are many principles in the feudal society of China, practice only lacking in universal principles in Japan.
(Quoted source : http://goo.gl/Y4CSno)
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