Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "It's not too much to say that I will be alive now that's thanks to Horiemon." today.
I live with a purpose and objectives as an entrepreneur of what one now.
You are sent a different date of substantial.
But what of the purpose and goal was no school days.
I did not know at all meaning to study.
I did not know the meaning of living.
When was felt a sense living only, and when you are looking at the football loved as long as I remember, it was when you are crazy listening to the UK lock was love from the late teens.
So, how is living with a purpose and goal for me, there was only that you either become a football player, to become a rock musician.
However, parents is a teacher of a school in the countryside ultra- serious conservative, there is no sign of also be allowed speck is such a way of life, I was alive without Dase heading of any hope for the future.
So, work in electronics manufacturer that a job is recomended school teacher was hard really.
Content of work, relationships, all the painful, I did not know how to have to live with such a painful thought why.
Have you ever talk honestly to the manager who invited me for a drink.
Or football player, I wanted to be a rock musician.
At that time, section chief did answer what, I do not remember at all.
It was a response which can not remain of what to memory for me.
Those who also taught me the way of life to me, that was not.
No one has some kind of response that makes sense when you question.
Teacher parents, school, boss of the company,
No one gave me the answer that I have asked everyone.
So it becomes subservient, I became an adult hate.
Adult society is formed becomes hate.
The me who did not know at all why it is still alive in such a society, there are many times a student is night thought I Let dead If you're spicy alive so.
Out of the closet !
To me that you had sent such a desperate life, was a hero Who Descended like a star.
It is Takafumi Horie and Mr. " Horiemon " number.
Horiemon that began taken up widely in the media lined up to Kintetsu Buffaloes acquisition at the time in 2004.
That figure to go head- to fight back from the old regime and the fearless as the darling of the era is reflected in existence, such as turn-of-the-century savior for me though.
I had not , was able to hero in the field other than the first time who longed to rock musician or a non- football player ever.
We focus on Horiemon leaving the media, to read as well as books, there way of life called " entrepreneurship ", object of living, hope to live has been lauch heading to me.
I do my best people to unusual goals and objectives can and even a hopeless case.
Studying human seems to change, I was working hard for everything.
Received a criminal investigation from the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office in January of 2006 , Horiemon is such a hero, was arrested on suspicion of violation of the Securities and Exchange Law.
Hero fall.
Despair to visit again.
Fucking adult society of the old regime !
Tears came out so vexed really.
But Horiemon did not break.
Do-or-die resistance.
I was in love with. Horiemon further.
There is a me now as an entrepreneur It is thanks to the Horiemon.
It's not too much to say that I is alive now , and thanks for Horiemon.
November 5 to Tuesday released - " Go plus the little one in your nothing zero" new book that such Horiemon is the first of the newly written full of after release.

There is a site that can be read for free "I still want to work Chapter 0 " and I read once.
Tears did not stop.
Lose the company, which has been raised in the risk of life and lose employees irreplaceable , social credibility also, most of the assets lost.
But still I'm ...
Click here for more → http://goo.gl/hGi2Q8
See you tomorrow!
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