Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I will tell about "How to make man is likely to approach the Gap." today.
Men like women beautiful appearance basically.
But Japanese men recently that "Herbivorous of" no can fire the concrete actions that no matter how beautiful women can approach even like "chance".
Pathetic, but it is reality...
But it is susceptible to approach even from Japan men these days not eager to love if there is a "chance" to think the opposite.
"Gap" leading to "like".
Element of Mote of women and plenty here.
Is there in this "gap" is the maximum difference of women and non-women be popular in the appearance of a similar level.

In like how do you thing of women by men feel the "gap"?
I think there are three types of "chance".
"Chance to exploit", "Gap which burns", "Chance grasp".
1. Chance to exploit
Off guard, and so gentle, it seems to say that such troublesome.
Just such a gap is not something that can be directed with the intention. The first place is not even aware of and I like also women themselves.
2. Gap which burns
Feel a sense of image "opponent would be such a person," and from speech and clothing. But that inspired "What?" Heart when a deviation occurs in the behavior of the person and the prediction.
3. Chance grasp
That strew specific keywords in the conversation.
It's not me not climb the wall of the smooth with no irregularities. But feel like climb on the Seize the hand there if wall with a ledge and gap.
It can also way of thinking that you do not show these "chance" If you want to avoid a man named attempts to approach if the fault and "chance".
"Gap" leading to "like".
I think it's a "witticism" fine.
See you tomorrow!
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