
Ear of rice drooping head the more grows.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "Ear of rice drooping head the more grows." today.

"Ambition is high, head low."

Do not say Inahokana to lay one's head down the more fertile.

An empty guy enough to bossy the contents.

Do not mistake to high It is not the head.

Pride is a Shiso as a human being.

Ear of rice drooping head the more grows.

Bashaw just because it went well a little.

Bashaw results came out just because a little.

Bashaw just because he was promoted a little.

Such a person has may vessel is high.

Vessel as a human are small.

"Ambition is high, head low."

We want to be a major human vessel humble.

See you tomorrow!

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Modern society of information overload tend to be complicated things! So I think in simple!

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "Modern society of information overload tend to be complicated things! So I think in simple!" today.

The more difficult than simple thing is complex.

It is because do not have to organize your thinking by working hard in order to keep things simple.

But worth it.

Because It is because even move mountains if you can get there once.

by Steve Jobs

October 5, 2011 - February 24, 1955 Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs to revive the company the world's best Apple.

Greatest achievement of his is to use simplified and its products Apple.

He learned the value of simplicity from traditional Japanese culture and philosophy of Zen.

Modern society in which information is spread is often complex things all the time.

We also want to pursue simplicity simply because it is such era.

See you tomorrow!

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There is no such thing aim too high, time just to put in it's just too short!

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "There is no such thing aim too high, time just to put in it's just too short!" today.

I'm sorry, do not have time to be busy recently Seriously, I'm writing blog slowly.

So I end up to introduce the words that I say to myself all the time this time.

There is no such thing aim too high.

Just time to spend with it just too short!

Target proceed in stages to rather than to achieve a stretch.

See you tomorrow!

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Everything is made twice. "The inside of the head" one time. "The outside of the head" second time.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "Everything is made twice. "The inside of the head" one time. "The outside of the head" second time." today.

All things are created twice.

First time in the head.

Second time outside the head.

Things you think in your head will appear as the real thing soon.

It will become a reality in fact in your head If you were full of anxiety at the thought of things when it fails when make things happen something.

What if did not go well ...

What if did not go well ...

Things to go well If you had to just worry Nante will also no longer work.

Become anxious at the thought of things when it fails nonsense.

So I have to think this way always.

What if going well ...?

What if going well ...!

It is a thing that such a reality soon visit actually becoming fun and exciting when I think so.

Produce in the head forcibly the image when it was going well it is difficult.


What if going well ...?

It is what good image naturally seeping and wonder if you believe!


See you tomorrow!

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Blog, which has been updated daily. I will update from time to time in the future.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "Blog, which has been updated daily. I will update from time to time in the future." today.

This blog has been updated on a daily basis than last year.

Update to stop once every day.

Reason is because be busy to participate in efforts to the new service was not in Japan ever decided.

It is possible to update daily blog sew interval of busyness.

But So quality will fall.

To collect the access on a day-to-day basis because quality good to low.

Kind of philosophy is not to me.

The web page that can add written as diary and blog.

Just to be updated once a week and I love that they initiate my ideas on the blog.

Number of updates is reduced, but is committed to be able to post high quality articles.

I am happy when you can see the future.

See you tomorrow!

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E-mail newsletter to achieve a lifestyle that is not hired by the company(Back Issues 161)

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Today, I will introduce back issues of 161 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.


"only once life"_Is it a lonely with the president?

Is it the lonely president and business?

I can say two things from my experience that became president independently entrepreneurship at the age of 30 spent as a salaryman 20s.

The first , that the people who say things like that have not been able independence mentally.

The second is that this is a problem in the familiar.

▼Is not able to stand on their own mental.

People are weak in solitude.

So most people gathering flock.

But gather from or uneasy or lonely is dependent on others is not a completely own.

It is annoying and suppliers employees those people when it becomes president.

Because Because it would depend on suppliers and employees all the time.

Is not dependent on others even feel lonely even if then people who are independent mentally go walking standing by the power of their own.


▼Problem of habituation.

I think when you become a member of society from students , and had a hard time getting used to at first the world will change.

Have a hard time to get used to at first the world will change as well when it comes to the President from office workers.

But if you get used to comfort that is not dominated also this who is the highest.

After all, it's gonna be that person as soon as is or not you feel lonely and the president work.

I learned to appreciate the people around us by the president to experience industry.

I believe This alone and was good to experience the business president.


Feel lonely and the president work? Or not? As soon as that person.

Registration e-mail newsletters from here.http://appoto.net/mailmagazine

See you tomorrow!

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E-mail newsletter to achieve a lifestyle that is not hired by the company(Back Issues 159)

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Today, I will introduce back issues of 159 "only once life" free e-mail magazine that I have own delivery.


"only once life"_God is watching.

God is watching.

I think this is true.

It is a thing that the road open in time when I do my best to seriously rot without any difficulty even seem to strike.

But it is while the road go taut when I failed efforts by the deed of environment and others to run away from difficult.

Just this It is "The law of cause and effect" is may not be said to be such as "God is watching".

There is a consequence if there is cause.

Good it deserves results come out in the correct effort.

Bad results worthy of it to an illegal effort comes out.

I'm just a story of it.

However it should be noted here.

The results will come later if there is cause to destination.

Definitely not that the results will come firs.

So I do not know anything that the person only that you look others came out only "result".

Do not get is danced to "result".

Let's look at the cause and effect if not out.

Win a focus on the cause rather than the result.

"Please care about the cause," the phrase "Never mind that the results".


God watch all things.

Registration e-mail newsletters from here.http://appoto.net/mailmagazine

See you tomorrow!

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Principle of six review work. Advertising effect preeminence!

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki from Japan.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "Principle of six review work. Advertising effect preeminence!" today.

Concerns the reputation of such things out of the rumors and reviews.

It also includes reputation on the Internet.

It is a word that was born in comparison with the press.

There is a principle of six such review work.

It is "STEPPS".

It is the one that took the initial Social Currency, Triggers, Emotion, Public, Practical Value, of Stories.

Let's take a closer look.

▼Principle of six review work "STEPPS"

Social Currency

Eye people will see us what we say by in the same way as clothes are made or car ride usually changes. People will want to tell it about the show people if Miere well by certain things.


What comes to mind first is out of the mouth first. The climb to the topic well enough that you remember the product or idea is to associate to jam from peanut butter in many cases.


People to share what you're care. To promote the share heightened feeling and any negative any positive.


People to imitate others. But it is easy to imitate as the one it is easy to appear to be is said to mimic what monkey saw. What is easily visible publicly enough to promote imitation.

Practical Value

Person wants to stand any good of the people not only want to improve the appearance of their own. So you want to share about what is useful. I want you to imagine and five tips to help you negotiate and method of financing 10.


Nobody do not want to appear to be walking billboards themselves. I want to talk about some of the larger story. So story "Trojan Horse", that is, make a message for your brand to piggyback.

Principle of six review work "STEPPS"

You can achieve a significant reduction in advertising expenses if Hatarakasere a review.

I want to create the advertising effect of cost performance best being conscious principle of six review the work "STEPPS".

See you tomorrow!

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