
Two things that I have every day in order to be able to write a reader-friendly text.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Career Consultant.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "Two things that I have every day in order to be able to write a reader-friendly text." today.

There are people who read my E-mail magazine to my fellow he is working together.

He told me that the fellow is easy to read my e-mail magazine.


I was replied simply.

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It's a form of running with marathon runners and the beautiful.

It's a result of daily training.

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Form will become beautiful by daily training.

I also use the techniques make it easier to read the text of course.

For example, such as "80 within the number of characters in a line".

However, it does not make sense to utilize unless the technique.

If you want to be can utilize, is no way to training other than the day-to-day.

In I would have kind of training specifically?

This is also very simple.

I'm just doing two things everyday.

1. I read a lot of text.

2. I write a lot of text.

Read every day anyway even better in WEB article in the magazine in the book.

And, to write every day anyway even better in diary blog.

Skill to write a reader-friendly text is useful lifetime.

That can be applied to everything.

However, that skill can not be learned in a short space of time.

It is a skill that can be learned by daily training.

That's right anything. Is I do not have shortcut.

(By the way I do also marathon but do not every day.)

See you tomorrow!

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