
Common TOP10 of people who can not get ahead that are around.

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "Common TOP10 of people who can not get ahead that are around." today.

There was a common point of 10 "people who can not get ahead" to an article in the R25.

As a result they asked 200 men of 20-39 years that apply as a " common denominator of people who can not get ahead that are around " is a ranking below.

1st: There is no ability to take action only lip service

2nd: Clumsy

3rd: There is no personal magnetism

4th: Miss many

5th: Will be weak

6th: Personal connections are scarce

7th: Fogging is not good

8th: There is no greed

9th: Vulnerable to stress

10th: Information have poor sensitivity

(Quoted source : http://goo.gl/zDZP5g)

Your true one? Common 10 people who can not get ahead.

It's that rests on the human skills of the person , not the know-how and technique The ability to rise to the I thought again to look at this ranking.

You will be able that day to go brush your human skill as opposed to utilizing the know-how and manipulative technique proceeds earliest the ranks as a result.

See you tomorrow!

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