
"Power reading" of junior high school graduates in Japan is higher than high school graduates in the United States!

Hi, this is Yuuki Hamasaki of Japanese Marketing Consultant.

Thanks for reading my blog.

I will tell about "Power reading of junior high school graduates in Japan is higher than high school graduates in the United States!" today.

I have ever surprised by the news of last week.

"Thinking mathematical" and "Reading comprehension" was the result of top Japan OECD said in 24 countries and regions in the "Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies".

OECD went for the first time to try a reference for human resource development and vocational training schools and education in this study.

Approximately 157,000 of up to 65 years from 16 years of the 24 countries and regions participated in the focus on member countries.

Over 5,000 were randomly selected answer was in Japan.

Problem was issued in three areas of "Problem solving skills utilizing IT" and "Thinking mathematical" and "Reading comprehension".

Japan was the performance of the top 20 point higher than about the average score in the "Thinking mathematical" and "Reading comprehension".

Tend higher score better educated about the world An analysis by occupation and educational background.

Performance is getting better and better in order technicians and managers and even people of Clerical than those who are engaged in simple task.

But it is analyzed Japan and have a high capacity overall small differences in the scores by occupation and educational background.

For example, level of education was higher than people graduating from high school, such as Germany and the United States of Japanese junior high school graduation, "Reading comprehension".

Director of the National Institute for Educational Policy Research, who was in charge of analysis is said, "Whether it is a result of compulsory education has spread early on, we have been focused on basic and fundamental of reading, writing and arithmetic".

On the other hand Japan was higher than the average of "Problem solving skills utilizing IT" was in 10.

Institute are analyzing the "is not familiar with computer, people who do not go about the problem, is it not? Was not a few" he said.

International organization that aims to discuss international economic overall.

OECD member countries currently has a 34 countries following.

▼EU Member States (21 countries)

United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Finland, Sweden, Austria, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Estonia, Slovenia.

▼Other (13 countries)


Japan, United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Turkey, South Korea, Chile , Israel.

OECD stands for "Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development", headquarters are located in Paris, France.

See you tomorrow!

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